July 9, 2010

Día = Diversity in Action

I attended a fine program on Día at the ALA Annual conference last week. Originally, staff from the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County  were scheduled to present Día is Diversity in Action but unfortunately were unable to attend because of severe funding problems. Oralia Garza de Cortés and Jamie Naidoo Ph.D., both known as Día supporters and knowledgable presenters, stepped in to report on Charlotte's Mecklenburg's success in using Día as a tool in dually reaching the Spanish and international community for literacy, as well as informing the audience about a wealth of multicultural books and resources for programming. The importance of planning and promotion, as well as collaboration with local agencies was discussed.

See this blog's Díapalooza's post about Charlotte Mecklenburg's 2010 celebration here.

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